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Chatbot Names: 522 Cool, Catchy, Creative Chatbot Name Ideas

People will be attracted to you only when you have something different in you. And when people first hear about your brand, they will first be interested in your brand name. So choose a name for your chatbot that is different from others. As a writer and analyst, he pours the heart out on a blog that is informative, detailed, and often digs deep into the heart of customer psychology. He’s written extensively on a range of topics including, marketing, AI chatbots, omnichannel messaging platforms, and many more.

History of company behind ChatGPT, Musk-founded OpenAI – Business Insider

History of company behind ChatGPT, Musk-founded OpenAI.

Posted: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

There is however a big problem – most AI bots sound less human and more robotic, which often mars the fun of conversations. It clearly explains why bots are now a top communication channel between customers and brands. This does not mean bots with robotic or symbolic names won’t get the job done. When it comes to naming a bot, you basically have three categories of choices — you can go with a human-sounding name, or choose a robotic name, or prefer a symbolic name.

Brainstorm names that fit your bot’s personality

For example, Krishna, Mohammed, and Jesus might be common names in certain locations but will call to mind religious associations in other places. Siri, for example, means something anatomical and personal in the language of the country of Georgia. Wherever you hope to do business, it’s important to understand what your chatbot’s name means in that language.

  • They can do a whole host of tasks in a few clicks, such as engaging with customers, guiding prospects, giving quick replies, building brands, and so on.
  • Therefore, ensuring your bot’s personality corresponds with your brand image will boost brand recognition.
  • You now know the role of your bot and have assigned it a personality by deciding on its gender, tone of voice, and speech structure.
  • When you think of chatbots, you can think of a robot, but it is actually software that is capable of carrying on natural conversation and carrying out actions like human beings.
  • So, you need to pick a name that reflects your personality and makes sense for your target market.
  • Remember that people have different expectations from a retail customer service bot than from a banking virtual assistant bot.

Have you ever considered how to choose a good name for your chatbot? At first, it might seem trivial, but the name plays an important chat bot names role in the success of any chatbot. What is more, the name will be a reflection of your brand to prospects and customers.

Some Interesting Chatbot Name Ideas You Might Like

He can definitely help you choose the best name that is exactly what you are looking for. Hope you found your favorite name ideas for your chatbot. If you like this article and think it can be useful for others, you can share it. If you have anything to say about this article, let us know in the comments.

But don’t try to fool your visitors into believing that they’re speaking to a human agent. This is because you’ll most likely fail or freak them out. When your chatbot has a name of a person, it should introduce itself as a bot when greeting the potential client. Do you need a customer service chatbot or a marketing chatbot? Once you determine the purpose of the bot, it’s going to be much easier to visualize the name for it.

Cool Two Word Business Names Ideas

The last idea to help you create an interesting chatbot name is to use an unusual or unexpected name. For example, a name like “Honey”, “Cheese”, or “Ketchup” will not only be catchy but will also make your bot stand out. The meaning of a name can give it an extra benefit and advantage. This is true especially when you’re choosing names for chatbots. If you’re looking for an unusual bot name, you can use a meaningful word or phrase.

chat bot names

Are you in the process of creating a chatbot but struggling to come up with a unique and catchy name? Here are six reasons why you should consider using Appy Pie Bot Name Generator. Naming a chatbot may seem like a trivial matter, but it can have a significant impact on its effectiveness and success.

How to Name Your Chatbot in 5 Simple Steps

It also starts the conversation with positive associations of your brand. Your natural language bot can represent that your company is a cool place to do business with. Chatbots are text-based conversation agents that can interact with human users through some medium, such as an instant message service. Some chatbots are designed for specific purposes, while others converse with human users on a wide range of topics. In this day and age, bots are becoming a very important part of human life. Almost every industry has already adopted these artificial intelligence programs into their business.

chat bot names

With REVE Chat, you can sign up here, get step-by-step instructions on how to create and how to name your chatbot in simple steps. Chatbot names may not do miracles, but they nonetheless hold some value. With a cute bot name, you can increase the level of customer interaction in some way. This list is by no means exhaustive, given the small size and sample it carries. Beyond that, you can search the web and find a more detailed list somewhere that may carry good bot name ideas for different industries as well.

Go ahead and try writing some creative bot names

The ideal bot name should be simple, catchy, and convey the right message. It doesn’t matter whether you are selling products online or not. You can use any of the following methods to come up with a creative bot name. Negative connotations should not be used in the names of chatbots.

  • If you still can’t think of one, you may use one of them from the lists to help you get your creative juices flowing.
  • Quotes are very famous and often used in movies and movies.
  • Don’t rush the decision, it’s better to spend some extra time to find the perfect one than to have to redo the process in a few months.
  • While deciding the name of the bot, you also need to consider how it will relate to your business and how it will reflect with customers.
  • The aim of the bot was to not only raise brand awareness for PG Tips tea, but also to raise funds for Red Nose Day through the 1 Million Laughs campaign.
  • As a result, the conversations users can have with Star-Lord might feel a little forced.

For other similar ideas, read our post on 8 Steps to Build a Successful Chatbot Strategy. Naming a bot can help you add more meaning to the customer experience and it will have a range of other benefits as well for your business. A human resources chatbot especially can be of great help for job seekers and employers. If you are building an HR chatbot, the first thing is to come up with an attractive name.

Bonus: Name & Personality Example

You need to respect the fine line between unique and difficult, quirky and obvious. Giving your bot a name enables your customers to feel more at ease with using it. Technical terms such as customer support assistant, virtual assistant, etc., sound quite mechanical and unrelatable.

  • Nowadays many companies and banking organizations use chatbots for providing better service and assist their clients easily and automatically.
  • This will show transparency of your company, and you will ensure that you’re not accidentally deceiving your customers.
  • If we think right then your are most welcome to the Names Guruji, and we assure you that your would love to send some time with us.
  • If you’ve ever used a customer support livechat service, you’ve probably experienced that vague, sneaking suspicion that the “person” you’re chatting with might actually be a robot.
  • So try to maintain professionalism in your chat bot name.
  • For example, a legal firm Cartland Law created a chatbot Ailira (Artificially Intelligent Legal Information Research Assistant).

Don’t rush the decision, it’s better to spend some extra time to find the perfect one than to have to redo the process in a few months. This might have been the case because it was just silly, or because it matched with the brand so cleverly that the name became humorous. Some of the use cases of the latter are cat chatbots such as Pawer or MewBot. It only takes about 7 seconds for your customers to make their first impression of your brand. So, make sure it’s a good and lasting one with the help of a catchy bot name on your site. It’s less confusing for the website visitor to know from the start that they are chatting to a bot and not a representative.

Chatbot Software Name Generator

If you choose something too narrow, it may be challenging to diversify your product and revenue streams down the road. Your business name should be fitting for the future and growth of your business, that way you don’t have to confront a re-brand down the road. Your business name has the power to evoke certain emotions and thoughts from your customer. Before your customer goes to your website or speaks to you, the name of your business should spark some initial thoughts in their brain as to what you’re all about. Your business name is one of the single most important pieces to starting a business. The gender of your bot will impact its grammar and acceptance among the target group.

chat bot names

Both bots were pulled after a brief period, after which the conversational agents appeared to be much less interested in advancing potentially problematic opinions. You may have come up with a few bot names but have yet to find one that works. So you know why your chatbot needs a fresh and compelling name. Though there are hundreds of free chatbot name idea generators available, coming up with an original name can help you stand out and convey your brand persona better. We hope this blog inspired you to try out some ideas to name your bot. It’s up to you to combine all the conditions into naming the bot or just go with the 80/20 rule and choose the most crucial factor.

How do you pick a bot name?

  1. Identify Your Chatbot's Role.
  2. Get Personal by Adding Personality.
  3. Decide on the Type of Name: Human or Robotic?
  4. Avoid Ambiguity.
  5. Be Creative With Descriptive or Smart Names.
  6. Keep it Brand Relevant.
  7. Focus on Making Your Bot Work.